Blog Articles

Estate Plan Review Guide

Estate Plan Review Guide

As one year ends and another begins, I recommend reviewing your estate plan. Especially if it’s been a few years since you’ve looked at your plan or had it updated. Your estate plan should meet your goals in regards to distributing your assets, and appointing agents, representatives, and trustees to control your affairs if you should become incapacitated or die. An estate plan should be simple to administer, keep assets out of probate, provide for minor children and family, as…

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Business Mistakes To Avoid (infographic)

Business Mistakes To Avoid (infographic)

Quite often during the start-up or day to day operation of a business, owners and managers are too busy, trying to generate new business, earn income or keep their customers and clients happy. Many times, during the course of growing and maintaining a business legal matters are overlooked.  Below is an infographic containing some of the more common business legal mistakes. These include, choice of entity, a formal agreement, an exit strategy, employee guidelines, intellectual property, outside investors, paying taxes,…

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You Can’t Take It With You; Why Gifting Makes Sense

You Can’t Take It With You; Why Gifting Makes Sense

Gifting is a common estate planning strategy that gives  a portion of assets to loved ones and charitable organizations. Gifting not only expresses love and affection for family and friends, but gifts serve other purposes as well. Gifts allow family members the opportunity to participate in the management of a family business, pay for medical costs, and college tuition. Additionally, gifts will reduce the size of the estate, and simplify the probate process. Lifetime or inter vivos gifts should be…

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3 Ways to Avoid Probate (infographic)

3 Ways to Avoid Probate (infographic)

When someone dies, their property passes to their heirs and beneficiaries in one of three different ways. A person’s assets will legally transfer either by title, by contract, or through probate.  Most of the time it’s better to avoid probate, which saves the estate costs, allows for ease of administration, is less stressful, and transfers assets quickly. One way to avoid probate is through jointly titling assets. Jointly titling means creating a joint tenancy. In other words, holding an estate or…

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Operating Agreements: 7 Reasons Why Your Single Member LLC Needs One

Operating Agreements: 7 Reasons Why Your Single Member LLC Needs One

Operating Agreements help an owner of a single-member limited liability company (SMLLC), in many ways. Two reasons for creating an SMLLC are tax breaks and limited liability.  In the same way a business owner must prove income tax deductions by keeping accurate records, holding onto receipts, and following rules and procedures. Having an operating agreement, helps demonstrate to the court the owner of an SMLLC plays by the rules. And therefore, shielded from liability. Not only does an operating agreement…

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