Employee New Hire Punch List
Before you hire a new employee review this list. Taking on a new employee can be an arduous process at first; however once you have your systems and procedures in place, taking on new hires will be a piece of cake.

If you already have employees use this list to make sure you don’t get dinged by the tax man or the labor board.
Obtain an EIN#. Go to https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/employer-id-numbers
Register with Colorado’s labor department. You will have to pay state unemployment compensation taxes. The money will go into a fund that pays workers unemployment. https://www.colorado.gov/cdle/unemployment
Get worker’s compensation insurance in case someone gets hurt on the job. Worker’s comp insurance can be obtained from most major insurance carriers.
Report each new employee to Colorado’s new hire reporting agency. This is so the state can locate parents who owe child support.
Post required notices. These notices provide information on workers rights.
Fill out an I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification for each employee. This verifies that each employee is eligible to work in the United States.
Have in place workplace remeasures. You will need to comply with OSHA requirements by providing a workplace free from hazards. Additionally, you’ll need to train employees to do their jobs safely, and you’ll need to notify government authorities of any serious workplace accidents. KEEP DETAILED SAFETY RECORDS.
Create an employee handbook. This will describe and explain the expectations on the part of the employee as well as the employer. Moreover, have a signature page at the end of the handbook, as a condition of employment make the employee sign verifying they’ve read it. Create personnel files that contain:
Create Person files that contain:
* Job related documents
* Job application
* IRS W-4
* Employment offers
* Performance evaluations
* Sign-up forms for employee benefits
Medical Records should be kept in a separate file in a locked cabinet.
I-9 forms should be kept separate as well.
Setup employee benefits such as 401(k)s and insurance. These procedures should be in place on the hire date so employees can enroll and designate beneficiaries.
Contact me if you need help with your business or the hiring process. email: paul@pmillerlawoffice.com phone: (303) 900-2529
This article is for educational purposes only, and does not constitute legal advice about your case or situation. There may be exceptions to the information outlined above. Please consult an attorney if you have specific questions about your business.