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Tag: Probate

A Self-Proving Will Makes Probate a Whole Lot Easier

A Self-Proving Will Makes Probate a Whole Lot Easier

Quite often people die without leaving a will, which creates stress and added expense for an estate. Having a self-proving will in your estate plan could save your estate time and money during the probate process. Three Ways to Probate There are three ways to probate an estate in Colorado, by affidavit, formally, and informally.  The easiest way to probate an estate is by affidavit. This occurs when the court issues an affidavit to the personal representative, also known as…

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Colorado’s Vehicle Transfer on Death Law 

Colorado’s Vehicle Transfer on Death Law 

Colorado’s vehicle transfer on death law allows ownership of vehicle to pass to the beneficiary outside of probate, giving individuals the ability to transfer their cars or vehicle to a beneficiary on the death of the owner. Since cars and other vehicles need to be maintained, and they depreciate rapidly, it does not makes sense to have them sitting around for months or even a year in Colorado weather, while waiting for probate to end. Vehicles should be transferred to their new…

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